Supplement Products Containing Tyramine
Of the 5,309 products in the database, 12 contain tyramine. All products containing tyramine are listed below. To narrow the list, select a product category below.
Product Categories
Select an option below (swipe left and right) to only see products containing tyramine in a specific category.
Product Name | Amount |
1UP For Men by 1UP Nutrition | 50mg |
1UP For Women by 1UP Nutrition | 35mg |
Buzzd by Project Zero | 50mg |
Clash by MTS Nutrition | 20mg |
Full Spectrum RX by LabTech Nutraceuticals | 25mg |
Goku Gains by Furious Formulations | Not Listed |
Joker by Terror Labz | Not Listed |
Juicy Daddy by Gain Busters | 25mg |
Paranoiac by Terror Labz | Not Listed |
Pre-Phase Remix by Phase One Nutrition | Not Listed |
Santa Sauce Pre Workout by Alpha Lion | 75mg |
Super Human by Alpha Lion | 75mg |