Phone Booth Warefare's (by TeamKattouf Nutrition) ability to decrease fatigue is rated as 1.27 out of 3. This rating means there is little to no evidence that the product has the ability to deliver on this claim. Using Phone Booth Warefare to decrease fatigue will not lead to positive results. This rating is different from the product's overall rating and is based on what peer reviewed journal articles conclude on its ability to perform this one claim. This page contains an indepth analysis on how this claim-rating was calculated.

Note: The ratings on this page only deal with Phone Booth Warefare's ability to decrease fatigue. To view the product's overall rating, visit the product's main page: Phone Booth Warefare.

Table of Contents

  1. Simple Report
  2. Detailed Report
  3. References

Simple Report

Detailed Report

The detailed report is an in-depth analysis on how Phone Booth Warefare's rating for this particular claim was calculated.

Claim Effectiveness Ratings

Each supplement product is a blend of ingredients. The database uses peer reviewed journal articles to rate the ingredients. These ratings are also used to rate how well products perform overall as well as on individual claims.

The supplement ingredients listed in table below are identified as affecting Phone Booth Warefare's ability to decrease fatigue. The rating next to the ingredient describes the ingredient's ability to decrease fatigue. These ratings are averaged together and provide the product's overall ability to deliver on the same claim.

Ingredients Decrease Fatigue Rating
Citrulline Malate 1 out of 3
Taurine 1 out of 3
Caffeine 1.8 out of 3
Product's Claim Effectiveness Rating 1.27 out of 3

Claim Research Ratings

The research rating describes how well an ingredient's ability to perform a certain claim (such as decrease fatigue) has been researched. This rating is based on the amount of studies contained in the database on a particular ingredient and claim. Ingredient research ratings are averaged together to from the product's research rating for this specific cliam.

This rating is important because we need to know if there is enough research to make a valid conclusion on a product's worthiness. Ratings above 80 are ideal. Anything below 60 means there is not enoguh research to make a valid conclusion one way or another on a product's ability to deliver on this particular claim.

Ingredients Decrease Fatigue Research Rating
Citrulline Malate
Product's Claim Research Rating


Acute Effect of Citrulline Malate Supplementation on Upper-Body Resistance Exercise Performance in Recreationally Resistance-Trained Men
The Effect of Citrulline Malate Supplementation On Muscle Fatigue Among Healthy Participants
Effects of taurine on markers of muscle damage, inflammatory response and physical performance in triathletes
Energy Drink Doses Of Caffeine And Taurine Have A Null Or Negative Effect On Sprint Performance
Effect of caffeine ingestion after creatine supplementation on intermittent high-intensity sprint performance
Energy Drink Doses Of Caffeine And Taurine Have A Null Or Negative Effect On Sprint Performance
Co-ingestion of caffeine and carbohydrate after meal does not improve performance at high-intensity intermittent sprints with short recovery times
Caffeine supplementation and multiple sprint running performance
Caffeine improves physical and cognitive performance during exhaustive exercise
The effects of different doses of caffeine on endurance cycling time trial performance
Caffeine ingestion acutely enhances muscular strength and power but not muscular endurance in resistance-trained men
Caffeine increases performance in cross-country double-poling time trial exercise
Effect of Caffeine on Golf Performance and Fatigue during a Competitive Tournament
Effect of repeated caffeine ingestion on repeated exhaustive exercise endurance
Physiological and cognitive responses to caffeine during repeated, high-intensity exercise
Acute caffeine ingestion enhances strength performance and reduces perceived exertion and muscle pain perception during resistance exercise