Replenish by , a , shares at least 0% of its ingredient profile with R1 Essential Amino 9 Energy by , a . A side-by-side ingredient comparison is provided below.

Complete Product Comparison: Replenish vs R1 Essential Amino 9 Energy

Ingredient Replenish R1 Essential Amino 9 Energy
Serving Size 1 scoop (14g) 1 scoop (11.5g)
potassium 72mg Amount not listed.
potassium 72mg Amount not listed.
branched chain amino acids 6g 5g
lysine 1.7g 900mg
threonine 1.1g 850mg
phenylalanine 465mg 450mg
histidine 350mg 100mg
methionine 325mg 150mg
tryptophan 60mg 50mg
chloride not in product 460mg
sodium not in product 160mg
magnesium not in product Amount not listed.
caffeine not in product 125mg