The overall rating for phosphatidylserine is 1.6 out of 3 meaning there is some evidence that this supplement does some (not all) of what it claims. Using this supplement may lead to some improvements.

Table of Contents

  1. Simple Report
  2. Detailed Report
  3. Overall Effectiveness Rating
  4. Research Rating
  5. Products Containing Phosphatidylserine
  6. Claim Ratings
  7. Dosing
  8. References

Phosphatidylserine Simple Report

  • Supplement: Phosphatidylserine
  • Supplement Category: amino acid derivatives
  • Number of Products Containing Phosphatidylserine: 127
  • Effectiveness Rating: 1.6 out of 3
  • Research Rating: 35 (above 80 indicates sufficient research)
  • Number of Studies: 10
  • Number of Claims: 15
  • Effective Dosage Range: 200 - 750 milligrams per day

Phosphatidylserine Detailed Report

Overall Effectiveness Rating

The overall effectiveness rating for phosphatidylserine is 1.6 out of 3. This rating means the evidence is mixed on the supplement's ability to deliver positive results. While some of the research supports its use, other evidence does not. Using this supplement may lead to positive results. Note, this effectiveness rating is for phosphatidylserine as a whole; there are also individual ratings for the claims below.

Read more: What is the effectiveness rating?

Research Rating for Phosphatidylserine

There are 10 studies in the database on phosphatidylserine; the research rating is 35. A score above 80 means the effectiveness rating for this supplement is reliable. A score under 80 means there is insufficient evidence to ensure a reliable effectiveness rating. Note, this research rating is for phosphatidylserine as a whole; there are also individual ratings for the claims below.

Read more: What is the research rating?

Products Containing Phosphatidylserine

Products Names Amount of Phosphatidylserine
Recumid 500mg
Mental Warfare 200mg
Blue Star Nutraceuticals Elevate 100mg
Kaged Mindset Elite Series (Caffeine) 50mg
Morphocalm 800mg
Full list of all 127 products containing Phosphatidylserine.

Claim Ratings

The overall ratings above are an average of the individual claim ratings below. Individual claims may have higher or lower ratings compared to the supplement's overall rating. For example, some supplements may have excellent backing for one claim, but be completely useless for another. Click on a claim below for more information.

Body Composition (weight, muscle, body fat) Claims Effectiveness Rating Research Rating
increase fat burning

Performance Claims Effectiveness Rating Research Rating
improve cycling performance
improve sports performance
improve sprint performance
decrease fatigue

Hormone Function Claims Effectiveness Rating Research Rating
decrease cortisol levels
increase levels of growth hormone
increase testosterone

Cardiovascular Health Claims Effectiveness Rating Research Rating
lower blood pressure

Recovery Claims Effectiveness Rating Research Rating
reduce muscle damage
reduce muscle soreness

Mental Health Claims Effectiveness Rating Research Rating
improve cognitive ability
improve memory
improve mood
decrease stress


The Supplement Database includes 10 studies on phosphatidylserine dosing. These studies indicate an effective dose ranges from 200 to 750 milligrams per day, the average dose being 505.56 milligrams per day. For a more detailed dosing analysis visit: Supplement Dosing for Phosphatidylserine.


Title of Study
Effects of phosphatidylserine on exercise capacity during cycling in active males
Effects of phosphatidylserine on oxidative stress following intermittent running
Effects of Soy Lecithin Phosphatidic Acid and Phosphatidylserine Complex (PAS) on the Endocrine and Psychological Responses to Mental Stress
Phosphatidylserine supplementation and recovery following downhill running
Soybean-Derived Phosphatidylserine Improves Memory Function of the Elderly Japanese Subjects with Memory Complaints
The effect of phosphatidylserine on golf performance
The effects of IQPLUS Focus on cognitive function, mood and endocrine response before and following acute exercise
The effects of phosphatidylserine on endocrine response to moderate intensity exercise
The Influence of Phosphatidylserine Supplementation on Mood and Heart Rate when Faced with an Acute Stressor
The Influence of Soy-derived Phosphatidylserine on Cognition in Age-Associated Memory Impairment