The overall rating for chicory root (inulin) is 1.9 out of 3 meaning there is some evidence that this supplement does some (not all) of what it claims. Using this supplement may lead to some improvements.

Table of Contents

  1. Simple Report
  2. Detailed Report
  3. Overall Effectiveness Rating
  4. Research Rating
  5. Products Containing Chicory Root (inulin)
  6. Claim Ratings
  7. References

Chicory Root (inulin) Simple Report

  • Supplement: Chicory Root (inulin)
  • Supplement Category: fibers
  • Number of Products Containing Chicory Root (inulin): 24
  • Effectiveness Rating: 1.9 out of 3
  • Research Rating: 47 (above 80 indicates sufficient research)
  • Number of Studies: 7
  • Number of Claims: 6

Chicory Root (inulin) Detailed Report

Overall Effectiveness Rating

The overall effectiveness rating for chicory root (inulin) is 1.9 out of 3. This rating means the evidence is mixed on the supplement's ability to deliver positive results. While some of the research supports its use, other evidence does not. Using this supplement may lead to positive results. Note, this effectiveness rating is for chicory root (inulin) as a whole; there are also individual ratings for the claims below.

Read more: What is the effectiveness rating?

Research Rating for Chicory Root (inulin)

There are 7 studies in the database on chicory root (inulin); the research rating is 47. A score above 80 means the effectiveness rating for this supplement is reliable. A score under 80 means there is insufficient evidence to ensure a reliable effectiveness rating. Note, this research rating is for chicory root (inulin) as a whole; there are also individual ratings for the claims below.

Read more: What is the research rating?

Products Containing Chicory Root (inulin)

Products Names Amount of Chicory Root (inulin)
GLUTA X5 300mg
Complete Beauty Restore (CBR) 4.25g
Amino-GTC 2g
Situation Brominos 2g
OxyShred Amount not listed.
Full list of all 24 products containing Chicory Root (inulin).

Claim Ratings

The overall ratings above are an average of the individual claim ratings below. Individual claims may have higher or lower ratings compared to the supplement's overall rating. For example, some supplements may have excellent backing for one claim, but be completely useless for another. Click on a claim below for more information.

Energy Balance (calories in & calories out) Claims Effectiveness Rating Research Rating
increase satiety
decrease calorie intake

Cardiovascular Health Claims Effectiveness Rating Research Rating
lower LDL (bad) cholesterol levels
increase HDL (good) cholesterol levels
lower total cholesterol levels
lower triglyceride levels


Title of Study
Effects of dietary inulin on serum lipids
Effects of dietary inulin on serum lipids, blood glucose and the gastrointestinal environment in hypercholesterolemic men
Long-term administration of inulin-type fructans has no significant lipid-lowering effect in normolipidemic humans
Prebiotic supplementation improves appetite control in children with overweight and obesity: a randomized controlled trial
The effect of ingestion of inulin on blood lipids and gastrointestinal symptoms in healthy females
The Effect of Inulin Supplementation on Blood Lipid Levels, and Fecal Excretion of Bile Acid and Neutral Sterol in Korean Postmenopausal Women
The effect of the daily intake of inulin on fasting lipid, insulin and glucose concentrations in middle-aged men and women