Of the 5,326 products in the database, 41 contain magnesium citrate. All products containing magnesium citrate are listed below. To narrow the list, select a product category below.

Product Categories

Select an option below (swipe left and right) to only see products containing magnesium citrate in a specific category.

Product Name Amount
10X Pump by 10X Athletic 50mg
10X Stim by 10X Athletic 50mg
Amino Matrix by Optimum EFX 44mg
Amino Pro by Dymatize 12mg
Amino-Phase by Phase One Nutrition 150mg
Asasyn by Genius Nutrition 300mg
Astrolyte by Glaxon 1.335g
Bolt ETX by 6AM Run Not Listed
Boost Elite by BioTechUSA 250mg
CLA and Carnitine Shredded by BPI Sports 50mg
Candies BCAA by Yummy Sports 150mg
Category 5 by Muscleology 200mg
Confined by Condemned Labz 50mg
Core 9 by Faction Labs 10mg
DPX Cuts by Muscleology 20mg
Defend by Grenade Not Listed
Dr. FEAAR by Dragon Pharma Labs Not Listed
DyNO by RSP Nutrition 21mg
EPO Plus by AfterDark Supplements 20mg
Elixir by Royality Nutrition 32mg
God Status Labz Hypnos by God Status Labz 450mg
HumaPro by ALR Industries 88mg
HumaPro (Tablets) by ALR Industries 88mg
Hydr8ed by Freak Label 30mg
I Want To Sleep by LA Muscle 100mg
Joint Doctor by PTVLABS 1g
LIPO-GN by Genius Nutrition 100mg
MMaster by 7 Nutrition 75mg
PR 10 by Dedlift 100mg
PWR Down by PWR Supplements 400mg
Pure Rebuild by 1UP Nutrition 200mg
RECOVER Post-Training Formula by Uprise Nutrition 18mg
Recover Post-Workout by Mr Alpha 30mg
Red Test by Muscleology 100mg
Sleep Elite by EndureLite 400mg
Sleep*8 by R Sports 100mg
Sport Aminos by 1UP Nutrition 200mg
Sustaind by Powrd Up Nutrition 75mg
Thunderstruck by Psycho Pharma 160mg
Tri-Carb by 1UP Nutrition 25mg
Wired by SURGE Nutraceuticals 1.3g