Of the 5,287 products in the database, 207 contain himalayan rock salt. All products containing himalayan rock salt are listed below. To narrow the list, select a product category below.

Product Categories

Select an option below (swipe left and right) to only see products containing himalayan rock salt in a specific category.

Product Name Amount
AMINIX by SWFT 100mg
AT4 by Patriot Sports Nutrition 220mg
Adrenolyn Nitric Oxide by Black Market 500mg
After Action Recovery by Bravo Actual 200mg
Alien Juice by Gorillalpha 50mg
All Natty by Born Natty Nutrition 100mg
Amino Mass by Titan Nutrition 250mg
Amino Mend by RARI Nutrition 300mg
Amino Pre-Load by Nutritional Performance Labs 350mg
Amino Workout Powder by R3P Life 10mg
AminoFast Energy Series by Blue Star Nutraceuticals 300mg
AminoFast Shred Series by Blue Star Nutraceuticals 300mg
AminoFast Stamina Series by Blue Star Nutraceuticals 300mg
Ash 2.0 by Ekkovision 500mg
Asmodeus by Ekkovision 250mg
Assassin by Apollon Nutrition 500mg
Assault*2 by Redrum Nutrition 250mg
BAMF by Bucked Up 100mg
BCAA EAA Intra-Workout by Be Empowered 135mg
Baj Ha Blast by Ekkovision 250mg
Bareknuckle Bloodsport by Apollon Nutrition 500mg
Basic by HR Labs 500mg
Bax Shots 2.0 by Ekkovision 500mg
Best Creatine by BPI Sports 50mg
Blackout*2 by Nutritional Performance Labs 150mg
Blast Max by Old School Labs 250mg
Blue Bolt by Sabertooth Nutrition 150mg
Bomba EAA Intra-Workout by Xtremis Cartel 250mg
Bucked Up Black by Bucked Up 100mg
Bucked Up Non-Stimulant by Bucked Up 100mg
Bucked Up Pre Workout by Bucked Up 100mg
Bulge by Faction Labs 250mg
CHSN PRE by Chosen Few Athletics 100mg
Cannibal Permaswole by Chaos and Pain 500mg
Chem 9 Pre by Bio-Strength Labs 500mg
Christophers Juicy Pumps by Raw Nutrition 500mg
Compound Pump by Vices and Vibes 1g
Crea-Gainz by Team Muscle Force 125mg
Crea-scendo by TWP Nutrition 1mg
Creasurge by Jacked Factory 125mg
Creatine Freak Hydration Mix by PharmaFreak 100mg
Defy by Black Market 150mg
Demon by Spitfire Labs 150mg
Desperado by Apollon Nutrition 500mg
Double Trouble by QRP Nutrition 500mg
Dragon Focus by BLNX 100mg
Ecto Plasm by Black Magic Supply 44mg
Ekko Intra by Ekkovision 1g
El Jefe Stim Pre-Workout by Xtremis Cartel 250mg
Enjoy The Pumps by The Nutrition Store 450mg
Enjoy The Ride V69 by The Nutrition Store 750mg
Essential Pre-Workout*2 by Raw Nutrition 200mg
Exalt by O15 Nutrition 110mg
Expansion by O15 Nutrition 110mg
FSU: Dyehard by Inspired Nutraceuticals 150mg
Ferocity 2.0 by Workhorse Fitness 100mg
Firewater by Native Strength and Iron Nutrition 500mg
Fix8 by Elev8 Supps 100mg
Flooded by Fortini Labz 100mg
Flow*2 by PhysiVantage 100mg
Forge Pump by I-Prevail Supplements 500mg
Formula 3.0 Drama by Ekkovision 250mg
Fresh Pre by Fresh 250mg
Fueled Veinz by Fueled Supplements 200mg
Fulcrum by Vaxxen Labs 100mg
Full Tilt V2 by CNP Professional 300mg
Game-Ade by Pure Vita Labs 135mg
Gas Mark 10 No Games by RAWR Sports Nutrition 250mg
Go Mode by Secret Society Supplements 100mg
Godzilla by Ryse 250mg
Golden Era Natural BCAA by Golden Era Nutrition 250mg
Gunn Powder by BPI Sports Not Listed
HY Jacked by Jacked Hammer 150mg
Hatman by Ekkovision 250mg
Hazard by MFIT Supps 19mg
Helix BCAA by Nubreed Nutrition Not Listed
Hooligan V5 by Apollon Nutrition 250mg
Hooligan V6 by Apollon Nutrition 620mg
Hooligan V7 by Apollon Nutrition 500mg
Hooligan Youngblood by Apollon Nutrition 300mg
Horizen Energy Nutrients by Horizen 125mg
Hosstility Amped by Hosstile 395mg
Hosstility Foundation by Hosstile 250mg
Hosstility V2 by Hosstile 150mg
Hustle by TWP Nutrition 250mg
Hyde Nightmare by Pro Supps 250mg
Hyde Nightmare V2 by Pro Supps 250mg
Hydra-Plenish by TWP Nutrition 500mg
Hyper Pump by Nutritional Performance Labs 300mg
Ibiza Juice by Gorillalpha 100mg
Immortal X by Raw Nutrition 1g
Insane Veinz Remastered by Sport Asylum Nutrition 500mg
Intra Fuel by Efectiv Sports Nutrition 500mg
Intra*5 by Swolverine 400mg
Jacked N Juicy by Jacked Hammer 300mg
Juice by G Code Nutrition 100mg
Juice Pumpz by Juice 250mg
Jurrasic Pump by Spazmatic Supplements 2g
KAIO by Klout Pwr 100mg
KAIO Pump and Performance by Klout Pwr 300mg
Karb Fuel by Conteh Sports 500mg
Kings Ransom Legacy Edition by Muscle Sport 250mg
Komodo Pump by Alpha Lion 350mg
Krobaa by Nutrifitt 250mg
Leg Day by NutraBio 393mg
Legacy Pre-Workout*2 by Efectiv Sports Nutrition 500mg
Levelup by HR Labs 600mg
Limited Edition V1 by V1 Nutra 100mg
Linkd by Impel Nutrition 125mg
Mad Dog by Lyft Powders 250mg
Madness All In by Mutant 100mg
Magic Dust by Spore Nutrition 100mg
Maximum Formula Pre Workout by Shifted 100mg
Mission by I-Prevail Supplements 250mg
Mother Bucker by Bucked Up 300mg
Muscle Up by Titan Nutrition 125mg
N.O. Charge by Nutritional Performance Labs 300mg
N.O. Shock by Nutritional Performance Labs 200mg
N.O. Sting by The Buzz! 40mg
Nero Aminos by Klout Pwr 150mg
Nick Trigili NITRO-3D by Old School Labs 350mg
Ninja Swole by Ninja 125mg
Nuclear Pump by Peak Performance Labs 250mg
Nucleus by Atomic Labz 500mg
Original BCAA by Bucked Up 200mg
OvHERtime by Fueled Supplements 150mg
P.P.K. (Pump.Power.Kick) Power Series by Blue Star Nutraceuticals 300mg
P.P.K. (Pump.Power.Kick) Pump Series by Blue Star Nutraceuticals 300mg
P.P.K. (Pump.Power.Kick) Shred Series by Blue Star Nutraceuticals 300mg
Palm Beach Pumps by Retro Muscle 150mg
Pandemic Extreme by Panda Supplements 100mg
Perfusion by Nocturnal Labz 500mg
Pre Workout*9 by Inaka Supps 100mg
Pre-101 by Affinity 35mg
Premium Formula Pre Workout by Shifted 100mg
Primal Core II by Affinity 75mg
Primer Pump by Sapper Nutrition 250mg
Primitive Pump by Rising Labs 250mg
Professional Grade Gaming Formula by JuJu 20mg
Project Pump by Efectiv Sports Nutrition 250mg
Pump Action by Redrum Nutrition 250mg
Pump Addict (Stim Free) by Believe Supplements 500mg
Pump Station by Titan Nutrition 150mg
Pump Stim Free Pre-Workout by Panda Supplements 125mg
Pump*9 by Inaka Supps 100mg
Pump-101 by Affinity 300mg
Pumpage by Trained By JP Nutrition 0mcg
Pumped TF by Alpha Neon 250mg
Pumped*3 by R Sports 300mg
Pumpz by Zombie Labs 250mg
Quench BCAA by ANS Performance 100mg
Quickdraw by Rebel Nutrition 300mg
Racked BCAA by Bucked Up 200mg
Ragnarok by Titanforged Labs 200mg
Rampage by Silverrback Nutrition 102mg
Rane by Ekkovision 500mg
Raven*2 by Crow Nutrition 150mg
Raw Amino by RAWR Sports Nutrition 200mg
Raw Intra Workout by Raw Nutrition 250mg
Raw Intra-Workout by Raw Nutrition 50mg
Raw Pump by Raw Nutrition 500mg
Realm by Klout Pwr 150mg
Reckoning XL by Hardcore Platinum 277mg
Recover Post-Workout by Mr Alpha 400mg
Red Rane by Ekkovision 700mg
Reload by Beem 400mg
Reload*2 by Redrum Nutrition 250mg
Resilience by RAWR Sports Nutrition 250mg
Rule by Black Market 150mg
Satori by Ekkovision 500mg
Satori 2.0 by Ekkovision 250mg
Shifted Energy by Shifted 50mg
Shuriken Power by BPI Sports Not Listed
Sicario v2 by Xtremis Cartel 250mg
Sick Pump by Naughty Boy Lifestyle 250mg
Sickpump Thermo by Naughty Boy Lifestyle 300mg
Skull by Panda Supplements 139mg
Smack V2 by Vices and Vibes 500mg
Superhuman Core by Alpha Lion 18mg
Supreme Pump by Supreme Sports Nutrition 200mg
Survive by Cold-Blooded Nutrition 300mg
Takeover by SZN Supplements 75mg
Team Muscle Force BCAA and EAAs by Team Muscle Force 125mg
The Anomaly by ClearPharm 150mg
The Daily Driver by Review Bros 300mg
Thunder Storm by RAWR Sports Nutrition 250mg
Thuper Thavage Pre-Workout by Raw Nutrition 500mg
Timecop by Apollon Nutrition 300mg
Toxic Vascularity by Castle Cartel Research 500mg
Triumph*3 by Apollon Nutrition 500mg
Ultimate Intra Pump by Gorillalpha 163mg
Unbent by Unbound Supplements 250mg
V-Pump by VNDL Project 250mg
V1 Pre-Workout 3.0 by V1 Nutra 100mg
V1 Ultimate by V1 Nutra 150mg
VASIX by SWFT 200mg
Vari V2 by TWP Nutrition 300mg
VasoGorge by Primeval Labs 250mg
Vessel by Live Evolved 769mg
Vice-XXX by G Code Nutrition 200mg
WOLFOW by Unnaturals Labs 250mg
WTF by Combat Nutra 100mg
Woke AF Black by Bucked Up 100mg
Wolf Juice on Juice by Wolf Supplements 300mg
Wreck by Titan Nutrition 75mg
Wreck 2.0 by Titan Nutrition 400mg
Wycked Pre by Wycked Naturals 100mg