Amino P by Alpha Neon, a pump supplement, shares at least 75% of its ingredient profile with one other supplement product.

The Similarity Index is a percentage describing how closely the two products' ingredient profiles are. A similarity index of 100% means they are made up of the same ingredients. A similarity index of 75% means they share 75% of the same ingredients. Click on a product below to see a side by side ingredient comparison.

  • Number of Products Amino P shares 100% of its ingredient profile with: 0
  • Number of Products Amino P shares 90-99% of its ingredient profile with: 1
  • Number of Products Amino P shares 75-89% of its ingredient profile with: 0

Matching Supplement Products

Matching Product Name Product Type Similarity Index
1. Amino G by Alpha Neon Intra-Workout Supplements 90.00%