Mad Scoops Anabolic Protein by Mad House Innovations Review
Mad Scoops Anabolic Protein is a protein supplement manufactured by Mad House Innovations. It ranks 210 out of 466 protein supplements and earned an overall thumbs up recommendation based on several factors including effectiveness, research rating, ranking, protein content, and nutrition label transparency.
Thumbs Up
Mad Scoops Anabolic Protein earned a thumbs up recommendation. This recommendation is based on the criteria listed below. To earn an overall thumbs-up recommendation, a product must earn a thumbs-up in at least four of the seven areas below. Click on a graded area for an in-depth analysis.
Graded Area | Thumb Up or Down |
Effectiveness Rating | |
Research Rating | |
Protein Percent of Calories | |
Protein Percent of Serving Size | |
Nutrition Label Transparency | |
Fat Content Transparency | |
Ranking Within Category | |
Overall Recommendation |
Community Vote
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Table of Contents
Mad Scoops Anabolic Protein Simple Report
Mad Scoops Anabolic Protein Macronutrient Breakdown
Mad Scoops Anabolic Protein contains 125.00 calories per serving. Of that, fat accounts for 18 calories (2.000g), carbohydrates account for 12 calories (3.00g), and protein accounts for 92 calories (23.00g).
Note: Sometimes, the percentages can add up to either more or less than 100%. If the difference is a few percentage points, the discrepancy can be attributed to a rounding error. The information here is calculated based on what the manufacturer reports on a product's nutrition label. If the discrepancy is more than a few percentage points, the nutrition label may have been printed with errors.
Macronutrient Percentages
- fat: 14%
- carbohydrates: 10%
- protein: 73.6%
Mad Scoops Anabolic Protein Detailed Report
The detailed report provides an in-depth analysis of the product's rating. In addition to showing ratings for each area, this report also provides the required criteria for a thumbs-up in each section.
Effectiveness Rating
Mad Scoops Anabolic Protein earned a thumbs-up in this category because its effectiveness rating is 2.53. A product's effectiveness rating must be at least 1.5 to receive a thumbs-up in this area. This effectiveness rating means Mad Scoops Anabolic Protein is made up of high-quality ingredients and should lead to positive results.
This category illustrates how well a product works based on what the research says about its ingredients (types of protein this product is made out of - see table below). Researchers conduct studies on supplement ingredients to gauge effectiveness. The database grades products on how effective their ingredients are. The effectiveness rating of supplement products is evaluated on a 3 point scale: 3.0 is the most effective, 1.0 is the least effective.
The following table lists all proteins found in this product as well as their effectiveness ratings and amounts. Click on a protein for rating information.
Protein Type | Effectiveness Rating |
Casein Protein | 2.8 out of 3 |
Whey Protein Concentrate | 2.4 out of 3 |
Whey Protein Isolate | 2.4 out of 3 |
Product Effectiveness Rating | 2.53 |
Note: These ingredients are accurate as of May 20, 2024.
Research Rating
Mad Scoops Anabolic Protein earned a thumbs-up in this category because its research rating is 73.333. A product's research rating must be at least 60 to receive a thumbs-up in this area.
A research rating of 73.333 means there is a moderate amount of research on this product's ingredients to ensure the effectiveness rating is probably valid.
The research rating is a measure of how much research has been conducted on a product's ingredient makeup. Manufacturers often rely on ingredients without adequate research backing. They may do this to compete with other products that are already using poorly researched ingredients. They may also only use a very small amount of cherry-picked research as a poor justification to use certain ingredients.
The amount of research contained in the database on a product's ingredients determines its research rating. Products with higher ratings are made up of thoroughly researched ingredients.
Protein Percent of Calories
Mad Scoops Anabolic Protein earned a thumbs-up in this category because its protein content as a percent of its overall calories is 73.6%. A product's protein percent of calories must be within 10% of all protein supplements contained in the database. This value is currently 79%.
The protein content as a percent of overall calories describes how many of a product's calories come from protein. Values closer to 100% indicate the product is made up mostly of protein. Lowers values indicate the product contains more fats, carbohydrates, and sugars. Ideally, protein supplements should contain a relatively high amount of protein rather than other calories.
Protein Percent of Serving Size
Mad Scoops Anabolic Protein earned a thumbs-up in this category because its protein content as a percent of its serving size is 71.88%. A product's protein percent of serving size must be within 10% of all protein supplements contained in the database. This value is currently 74%.
The protein content as a percent of serving size describes how much of a product's serving weight is protein. Values closer to 100% indicate the majority of a serving is protein. Lower values indicate the product is filled with non-protein and/or non-calorie ingredients to beef up its serving size.
Nutrition Label Transparency
Mad Scoops Anabolic Protein earned a thumbs-down in this category because it discloses 63.000% of its protein amounts. A product must disclose all protein amounts to receive a thumbs-up in this area.
Nutrition label transparency refers to how many of a product's protein types are included on the label with amounts. This is an issue when a product contains more than one type of protein, without listing amounts for each.
Mad Scoops Anabolic Protein contains:
- total ingredients: 3
- ingredients with amounts listed: 0
- ingredients without amounts listed: 3
- percent of ingredient amounts disclosed: 63.000%
Fat Content Transparency
Mad Scoops Anabolic Protein earned a thumbs-down in this category because it does not disclose 100% of its fat content. A product must disclose all fat types and amounts on its product label to receive a thumbs-up in this area.
Protein supplements sometimes contain fat and many manufacturers do not disclose the type or amount of fat included in their product. There are three main types of fat: saturated, trans, and unsaturated fats. Generally, unsaturated fats are healthy while trans fats have been deemed dangerous to overall health. Unfortunately, deciding to stay away from trans fats is difficult if a manufacturer does not disclose the breakdown of fats contained in its products. In many jurisdictions, listing trans fat on the nutrition label is mandatory.
Product Label
The label below was generated from the information contained in the database about the product's ingredients and amounts. Actual product labels may differ in appearance.
Ranking Within Category
Mad Scoops Anabolic Protein earned a thumbs-up in this category because it ranks 210 out of 466 in the protein supplements category (middle third within category). A product must be ranked in the top two-thirds of its category to receive a thumbs-up in this area.
Mad Scoops Anabolic Protein ranks 210 out of 466 in the protein supplements category and 210 out of 5326 in the entire database. The table below lists comparisons with similarly ranked protein supplements. Click on a link for an in-depth comparison between the two.
See more comparisons: Is Mad Scoops Anabolic Protein by Mad House Innovations the best protein supplement?
Graded Area | Reason |
Effectiveness Rating | rating is greater or equal to the required 1.5 |
Research Rating | research rating is greater or equal to the required 60 |
Protein Percent of Calories | within 10% of the average of all protein supplements in the database |
Protein Percent of Serving Size | within 10% of the average of all protein supplements in the database |
Nutrition Label Transparency | does not disclose all protein amounts on label |
Fat Content Transparency | does not disclose all fat types and amounts on label |
Ranking Within Category | ranks in the top two-thirds of category |
Overall Recommendation | received a thumbs up in the majority of areas |
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