ANS Performance

ANS Performance ranks number 635 out of 1,074 manufacturers and earned an overall F (raw score: 58.33%) based on its product lineup.

Simple Report Card

Manufacturers are graded in five areas: effectiveness, transparency, research, rank, and their products' overall recommendations. The entire product lineup dictates a manufacturer's grades. The simple report card shows what grade ANS Performance earned in each of the five areas.

Individual products are rated with a thumbs-up or down in several areas. The number below is a percentage of how many of ANS Performance's products received a thumbs-up in the respective area.

For example, 100% means that 100% of ANS Performance's products received a thumbs-up in the effectiveness category. The overall grade for a manufacturer is an average of the individual grades from each area. Scroll down to the detailed report for a description of each rated area.

Rated Area Grade
Effectiveness A (91.67%)
Transparency C (75%)
Research Rating F (8.33%)
Ranking D (66.67%)
Product Recommendations F (50%)
Overall Grade F (58.33%)

Detailed Report Card


ANS Performance earned an A (raw score: 91.67%) in the effectiveness category. This rating means 91.67% of ANS Performance's products received a thumbs-up in the effectiveness category. An individual product's effectiveness rating describes how well its ingredients work. A product's effectiveness rating is measured on a 3 point scale. Its effectiveness rating must be at least 1.5 to receive a thumbs-up in this area. ANS Performance's products, along with their effectiveness ratings, are listed below.

Product Name Effectiveness Rating
1. N-Whey (2.40)
2. Neuron (2.35)
3. Diablo PM (2.30)
4. Quench BCAA (1.90)
5. Ritual (1.84)
6. Rave (1.57)
7. Fresh1 Vegan Protein (2.75)
8. Dilate Pump Pre-Workout (2.22)
9. Fortitude II (1.66)
10. Prophecy (1.74)
11. Diablo (1.69)
12. Fortitude (1.45)


ANS Performance earned a C (raw score: 75%) in the transparency category. This rating means 75% of ANS Performance's products received a thumbs-up in the transparency category. An individual product's transparency rating describes how many of its ingredient amounts are disclosed on a product label. A product with a 100% transparency rating means all ingredient amounts are disclosed. A product's transparency rating must be 100% to receive a thumbs-up in this category ANS Performance's products, along with their transparency ratings, are listed below.

Product Name Transparency Rating
1. N-Whey (50%)
2. Neuron (100%)
3. Diablo PM (100%)
4. Quench BCAA (100%)
5. Ritual (100%)
6. Rave (100%)
7. Fresh1 Vegan Protein (38%)
8. Dilate Pump Pre-Workout (100%)
9. Fortitude II (100%)
10. Prophecy (100%)
11. Diablo (79%)
12. Fortitude (100%)

Research Rating

ANS Performance earned an F (raw score: 8.33%) in the research rating category. This rating means 8.33% of ANS Performance's products received a thumbs-up in the research rating category. This rating describes how thoroughly researched a product's ingredients are. A low research rating indicates a product is made up of ingredients with little research backing. A product's research rating must be at least 60 to earn a thumbs-up in this category. ANS Performance's products, along with their research ratings, are listed below.

Product Name Research Rating
1. N-Whey (80)
2. Neuron (9.83)
3. Diablo PM (24.43)
4. Quench BCAA (34.13)
5. Ritual (36.85)
6. Rave (27.18)
7. Fresh1 Vegan Protein (8)
8. Dilate Pump Pre-Workout (26.29)
9. Fortitude II (14.6)
10. Prophecy (36.28)
11. Diablo (26.79)
12. Fortitude (20.11)


ANS Performance earned a D (raw score: 66.67%) in the rank category. This rating means 66.67% of ANS Performance's products received a thumbs-up in the rank category. This rating describes how a manufacturer's product line is rated. An individual product must rank in the top two-thirds of all products (in its category) to receive a thumbs-up in this area. ANS Performance's products, along with their ranking, are listed below.

Product Name Ranking
1. N-Whey (86 out of 462)
2. Neuron (27 out of 161)
3. Diablo PM (56 out of 681)
4. Quench BCAA (170 out of 506)
5. Ritual (709 out of 1717)
6. Rave (1000 out of 1717)
7. Fresh1 Vegan Protein (362 out of 462)
8. Dilate Pump Pre-Workout (156 out of 301)
9. Fortitude II (166 out of 301)
10. Prophecy (1316 out of 1717)
11. Diablo (455 out of 681)
12. Fortitude (274 out of 301)

Product Recommendation

ANS Performance earned an F (raw score: 50%) in the overall rating category. This rating means 50% of ANS Performance's products received an overall thumbs-up recommendation. Individual products are rated with a thumbs-up or down in seven areas. They earn an overall thumbs-recommendation if they receive a thumbs-up in at least four of the seven areas. ANS Performance's products, along with their overall recommendations, are listed below.

Product Name Product Recommendation
1. N-Whey
2. Neuron
3. Diablo PM
4. Quench BCAA
5. Ritual
6. Rave
7. Fresh1 Vegan Protein
8. Dilate Pump Pre-Workout
9. Fortitude II
10. Prophecy
11. Diablo
12. Fortitude