Combat Fuel The Pre-Workout by Combat Fuel, a pre-workout supplement, shares at least 75% of its ingredient profile with Allegiance Supplements Pre-Workout by Allegiance Supplements, a pre-workout supplement. A side-by-side ingredient comparison is provided below.

Complete Product Comparison: Combat Fuel The Pre-Workout vs Allegiance Supplements Pre-Workout

Ingredient Combat Fuel The Pre-Workout Allegiance Supplements Pre-Workout
Serving Size 1 scoop (19.5g) 1 scoop (12.7g)
citrulline malate 8g 6g
beta alanine 3.5g 2.3g
betaine 2.5g 1.5g
tyrosine 1.5g not in product
taurine 1g 1g
alpha glycerylphosphorylcholine 1g 150mg
caffeine 300mg 215mg
astragin 50mg not in product