Based on eight rated factors, Mens Ultra NourishHair by GNC is a better product than Mega Men Diabetic Support by GNC. The tables below display a side by side comparison allowing you to make a more informed decision on which product is more effective. The simple report at the top of the page is a quick and easy way to gauge product effectiveness. For more information, scroll down to the detailed report.

Community Vote

Have you used both products? If so, which worked better for you?

Mega Men Diabetic Support by GNC Mens Ultra NourishHair by GNC

Simple Report

Products are graded and compared against each other in eight areas. A green check mark is placed under the product that scores higher in each category. An equal sign is shown in the event that both products are equal in one or more categories.

Mega Men Diabetic Support Mens Ultra NourishHair
Effectiveness Rating
Transparency Score
Effective Ingredients
Ineffective Ingredients
Effective Claims
Ineffective Claims
Research Rating
Ranking Within Category
Total Score 2 5

The final score is 5 - 2 in favor of Mens Ultra NourishHair. To get a more detailed report on how each product is rated and which one is better tailored to fit your needs, scroll below to the detailed report.

Detailed Report

The effectiveness rating is an overall measure of how well a product works. This rating is a 3-point scale and is based on what peer reviewed research articles conclude about the ingredients found in a product. A rating equal to or greater than 2.5 means the product is extremely effective. A rating between 1.5 and 2.5 means the product is moderately effective. A rating equal to or less than 1.5 means the product is ineffective. This rating is a direct measure of whether or not a product does what it claims. Avoid products with ratings equal to or less than 1.5.

The transparency score is a percentage reflecting how many of a product's ingredients are listed with amounts on the nutrition label. Often, manufacturers create proprietary blends of ingredients which hide amounts under the guise of meaningless phrases. Avoid products that do not list 100% of their ingredient amounts.

Product ingredients are individually rated based on research from peer reviewed journal articles. The number of extremely effective, moderately effective, and ineffective ingredients illustrates what type of ingredients are found in the product. High quality products are those with a high amount of extremely effective ingredients combined with no ineffective ingredients. Avoid products with a high amount of ineffective ingredients.

Each ingredient has been tested on a number of different claims. A product can be effective or ineffective at certain claims based on its mix of ingredients. The number of effective and ineffective claims of a product illustrates how well a product is at doing what it advertises. Chose products with more effective claims and avoid ones with large numbers of ineffective claims.

A product's effectiveness rating comes from research on its ingredients. The research rating is a measure of how much research the database contains on a product's ingredients. A score below 60 indicates not enough research has been conducted on a product's ingredients to truly know whether those ingredients are effective. Scores above 60 are better. Scores above 60 are better while scores above 80 indicate the ingredients chosen by the manufacturer have adequate research backing their use.

All products are ranked against each other. The ranking within category displays how the product ranks against its competition. Choose products ranked highly while avoiding products ranked at the bottom.

Overview Mega Men Diabetic Support Mens Ultra NourishHair
Manufacturer GNC GNC
Product Category Multivitamins Multivitamins
Effectiveness Rating
1.59 out of 3

1.62 out of 3
Transparency Score 100% 100%
Serving Size 2 capsules 2 capsules
Extremely Effective Ingredients 4 2
Moderately Effective Ingredients 11 5
Ineffective Ingredients 15 9
Effective Claims 22 18
Ineffective Claims 23 17
Research Rating

Ranking Within Category 35 out of 51 33 out of 51

Ingredient Comparison

This section compares the ingredients and amounts found in both products. Products with a transparency score under 100% do not have amounts for all ingredients listed on their labels.

Ingredient Mega Men Diabetic Support Mens Ultra NourishHair
Alpha Lipoic Acid 25mg not in product
Arginine 25mg not in product
Astaxanthin 50mcg not in product
Biotin 300mcg 2mg
Bitter Melon 50mg not in product
Boron 2mg 1mg
Calcium 200mg not in product
Capsinoids not in product 10mg
Choline Bitartrate 10mg 250mcg
Chromium 200mcg not in product
Cinnamon 25mg not in product
Copper 2mg 1mg
Fenugreek 50mg not in product
Folic Acid 400mcg 400mcg
Gelatin not in product 25mg
Ginkgo Biloba 10mg not in product
Glutamine 80mg not in product
Gymnema Sylvestre 25mg not in product
Hyaluronic Acid 2mg not in product
Inositol 10mg 50mcg
Iodine 150mcg 50mcg
L-Carnitine 10mg not in product
Lactalbumin Hydrolysates not in product 50mg
Leucine 10mg not in product
Lutein 3mg not in product
Lycopene 950mcg not in product
Magnesium 100mg 15mg
Manganese 2mg not in product
Molybdenum 75mcg not in product
N-Acety-L-Cysteine not in product 100mg
Niacin 50mg 25mg
Selenium 200mcg not in product
Silicon Dioxide 4mg 2mg
Vanadyl Sulfate 10mg not in product
Vitamin A 2250mcg 300mcg
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) 50mg 1.5mg
Vitamin B12 50mcg 6mcg
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) 50mg 1.7mg
Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid) 50mg 50mg
Vitamin B6 50mg 2mg
Vitamin C 300mcg 30mg
Vitamin D3 40mcg not in product
Vitamin E 20.1mg 6.7mg
Vitamin K 80mcg not in product
Zeaxanthin 600mcg not in product
Zinc 25mg 15mg

Claim Comparison

Products are made from a mix of ingredients. There is evidence either proving or disproving claims for each ingredient. Some ingredients might be good at increasing muscle mass while at the same time being bad at improving cardiovascular endurance. This section provides information on which product is better for a specific claim. An equal sign means both products have the same rating for the specific claim.

Claim Mega Men Diabetic Support Mens Ultra NourishHair
Decrease Body Fat
Decrease Calorie Intake
Decrease Cortisol Levels
Decrease Fatigue
Decrease Protein Breakdown
Improve Cardiovascular Endurance
Improve Cognitive Ability
Improve Cycling Performance
Improve Cycling Sprint Performance
Improve Focus
Improve Glucose Control
Improve High-intensity Interval Training (HIIT) Performance
Improve Immune Function
Improve Insulin Sensitivity
Improve Memory
Improve Mood
Improve Muscular Endurance
Improve Recovery
Improve Running Performance
Improve Sports Performance
Improve Sprint Performance
Improve Swimming Performance
Increase Bone Density
Increase DHT (dihydrotestosterone) Levels
Increase Energy Expenditure
Increase Fat Burning
Increase HDL (good) Cholesterol Levels
Increase Levels Of Growth Hormone
Increase Levels Of Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone
Increase Muscle Mass
Increase Protein Synthesis
Increase Satiety
Increase Strength
Increase Testosterone
Increase Weight Loss
Lower Blood Pressure
Lower LDL (bad) Cholesterol Levels
Lower Total Cholesterol Levels
Lower Triglyceride Levels
Maintain Muscle Mass During Weight Loss
Reduce Duration Of The Common Cold
Reduce Frequency Of The Common Cold
Reduce Joint Pain
Reduce Muscle Damage
Reduce Muscle Soreness
Reduce Severity Of The Common Cold
Suppress Appetite

Product Labels

Click on a label below for the full image.

Mega Men Diabetic Support Mens Ultra NourishHair
Mega Men Diabetic Support by GNC Product Label Mens Ultra NourishHair by GNC Product Label