Based on nine rated factors, ProHD Isolate by HD Muscle is a better product than Podium Whey by Podium. The tables on this page provide a side by side comparison allowing you to make a more informed decision on which product is more effective.

The simple report at the top of the page is a quick and easy way to gauge product effectiveness. For more information, scroll down to the detailed report.

Community Vote

Have you used both products? If so, which worked better for you?

Podium Whey by Podium ProHD Isolate by HD Muscle

Simple Report

Products are compared against each other in eight areas. A green checkmark is placed under the product that scores higher in each category. An equal sign is shown if both products are equal in a category.

Podium Whey ProHD Isolate
Effectiveness Rating
Nutrition Label Transparency
Fat Content Transparency
Effective Ingredients
Ineffective Ingredients
Research Rating
Protein Percent of Calories
Protein Percent of Serving Size
Ranking Within Category
Total Score 2 3

The final score is 3 - 2 in favor of ProHD Isolate by HD Muscle. To get a more detailed report on how each product is rated and which one is better tailored to fit your needs, scroll below to the detailed report.

Detailed Report

Overview Podium Whey ProHD Isolate
Manufacturer Podium HD Muscle
Product Category Protein Supplements Protein Supplements
Effectiveness Rating
2.4 out of 3

2.4 out of 3
Nutrition Label Transparency 27% 25%
Fat Content Transparency 100% 100%
Serving Size 1 scoop (34.2g) 1 scoop (31.3g)
Protein Percent of Serving Size 73% 80%
Effective Ingredients 2 1
Ineffective Ingredients 0 0
Research Rating

Ranking Within Category 76 out of 462 72 out of 462

Macronutrient Comparison

Overview Podium Whey ProHD Isolate
Calories 120 110
Fat 1g 0g
Carbohydrates 2g 2g
Protein 25g 25g
Fat Percent of Calories 8% 0%
Carbs Percent of Calories 7% 7%
Protein Percent of Calories 83% 91%

Ingredient Comparison

This section compares the ingredients and amounts found in both products. Products with a transparency score below 100% do not have amounts for all ingredients.

Ingredient Podium Whey ProHD Isolate
Whey Protein Concentrate amt not listed
Whey Protein Isolate amt not listed amt not listed

Product Labels

Click on a label below for the full image.

Podium Whey ProHD Isolate
Podium Whey by Podium Product Label ProHD Isolate by HD Muscle Product Label