Effectiveness Rating for Creatine Monohydrate's Ability to Decrease Fatigue

The effectiveness rating is a measure of how well creatine monohydrate is able to decrease fatigue. The overall rating for this claim is 1.2 out of 3. There is little if any research to warrant the use of Creatine Monohydrate to decrease fatigue. Using Creatine Monohydrate to decrease fatigue will probably not yeild any positive results and is likely a waste of money.

Confidence Rating for Creatine Monohydrate's Ability to Decrease Fatigue

The confidence rating is a mesure of how valid the effectiveness rating is. This rating is based on how many studies are included in the database on this topic.

There are 5 studies in the database on creatine monohydrate; the confidence rating is 100. A score above 80 means the effectiveness rating for this supplement is reliable. A score under 80 means there is insufficient evidence to ensure a reliable effectiveness rating.

Creatine Monohydrate Dose to Decrease Fatigue

Dosage Frequency Daily Total Effectiveness Rating of Dosage
5g 4x per day 20g
2.1g once daily 2.1g
5g 4x per day 20g
5g 4x per day 20g
5g once daily 5g

These dosages are based on body weight. The default value is 150 pounds. Enter your weight and click update to get appropriate dosages for your own body weight.


Title of Study
The effects of creatine supplementation on performance during the repeated bouts of supramaximal exercise
Effect of caffeine ingestion after creatine supplementation on intermittent high-intensity sprint performance
Effects of Coffee and Caffeine Anhydrous Intake During Creatine Loading
Effects of creatine monohydrate supplementation on simulated soccer performance
Combined effect of creatine monohydrate or creatine hydrochloride and caffeine supplementation in runners’performance and body composition