
Effectiveness Rating for Beta Alanine's Ability to Improve Running Performance

The effectiveness rating is a measure of how well beta alanine is able to improve running performance. The overall rating for this claim is 1.7 out of 3. There is some research showing the supplement's ability to deliever on this particular claim is warranted. Using Beta Alanine to improve running performance may lead to positive results.

Confidence Rating for Beta Alanine's Ability to Improve Running Performance

The confidence rating is a mesure of how valid the effectiveness rating is. This rating is based on how many studies are included in the database on this topic.

There are 6 studies in the database on beta alanine; the confidence rating is 120. A score above 80 means the effectiveness rating for this supplement is reliable. A score under 80 means there is insufficient evidence to ensure a reliable effectiveness rating.

Beta Alanine Dose to Improve Running Performance

Dosage Frequency Daily Total Effectiveness Rating of Dosage
2g 3x per day 6g


Title of Study
Effects of Plyometric Training and Beta-Alanine Supplementation on Maximal-Intensity Exercise and Endurance in Female Soccer Players
Beta-Alanine Supplementation Improved 10-km Running Time Trial in Physically Active Adults
Exercise-induced oxidative stress: the effects of β-alanine supplementation in women
High-velocity intermittent running: effects of beta-alanine supplementation
β-Alanine ingestion increases muscle carnosine content and combat specific performance in soldiers
β-alanine supplementation improves tactical performance but not cognitive function in combat soldiers