whey protein

whey protein safety

Is whey protein safe?

Whey protein is safe for the vast majority of people. The FDA accepts whey protein as a safe food based on both evidence and its ubiquitous use. The evidence does not suggest whey protein decreases bone mass or leads to kidney issues, at least in healthy populations.

whey protein build muscle

Does whey protein build muscle?

Whey protein is one of the most favorably studied supplements on the market. Unlike other supplement ingredients, it consistently shows benefits for a wide variety of claims, including its ability to build muscle when combined with resistance training. The studies here include subjects of both genders ranging from, young men...

soy protein body composition

Does soy protein improve body composition?

Diets rich in protein increase thermogenesis, spare muscle protein, and improve glycemic control. Consuming protein before or after exercise also increases protein synthesis. Put together, these benefits have the potential to improve body composition. Let's take a look at whether or not soy protein has a role to play in...

best type of whey protein

What type of whey protein is best: concentrate, isolate, or hydrolyzed?

The process of making whey protein creates three main products: concentrate, isolate, and hydrolysate (or hydrolyzed whey). The main difference between the three is protein content, the protein's amino acid length, and cost. Does this added cost lead to additional benefits?

types of whey

Way too Many Types of Whey Protein

Whey protein is a byproduct of cheese production. Milk is made up of two proteins: whey and casein. To make cheese, the proteins are separated. The protein powder we take after a workout starts its journey as a thin, watery liquid. This liquid is processed, and eventually turns into the...

whey protein

What is whey protein?

Over the years, whey has become the goto protein for athletes, dieters, and fitness enthusiasts. This series will focus on whey and its ability to deliver on a assortment of claims. We'll discuss whether whey helps with performance, weight loss, muscle building, recovery, and more!

soy protein strength

Does soy protein make you stronger?

For a long time, animal sourced protein supplements have been seen as superior to plant based ones. With an increased focused on health, plant proteins are getting a second look. There is plenty of research showing the health benefits of replacing animal proteins with plant options. Even so, many are...

soy testosterone

Does soy decrease testosterone levels?

Fitness enthusiasts use protein supplements to increase performance gains. With interest in healthy lifestyles on the rise, many are searching for alternatives to animal products such as whey or casein proteins. Soy protein is an easy alternative as it's plant based and contains all of the essential amino acids. Resistance...