

Introducing: Supplement Product Similarity Index

The Similarity Index is a tool that allows you to see the relationship between products. It can help you find similar products. If you find an expensive pre-workout, this tool can show you if other products share its ingredient profile, possibly saving you cash.


How is the Supplement Database different from other supplement review sites?

Google is riddled with affiliate marketing "review" sites. Instagram influencers are essentially advertisers. Short of trying every single supplement yourself, it's become very difficult to find good information.

Supplement Database

Welcome to the Supplement Database

The Supplement Database launched in early 2019 as a place to find easy to read, unbiased, and research-based supplement ratings and reviews. Since then, it's grown to include ratings on both ingredients and products in multiple categories. At its core, the database uses information from peer-reviewed research articles to rate...

supplement ratings

How does the database rate supplement ingredients?

This database rates two overall areas in the supplement world: supplement ingredients and supplement products. Supplement ingredients are the foundations of every product. Ingredients include creatine monohydrate, whey protein, taurine, and garlic extract. Manufacturers mix ingredients to form a supplement product such as a pre-workout, post-workout, or sleep aid. This...


What are proprietary blends?

As consumers, we expect supplements to speed up recovery, burn fat, build muscle, and increase testosterone. The industry has seized on these high expectations and routinely make promises they are unable to keep. They have plenty of ways to market ineffective products to consumers seeking quick solutions. One of their...

Supplement Dosings

Supplement Ingredient Dosing

Supplement Ingredient Dosing

A supplement ingredient's effectiveness is based on what dosage is effective for a particular claim. Researchers test ingredients at specific doses. The database provides dosing information in order to estimate an ingredient's effective dosing range.

Supplement Serving Sizes

Studies included in the Supplement Database conduct research on how well a...

Supplement Ratings

What’s the difference between effectiveness and research ratings?

Supplement Ratings

Hundreds of studies exist on most supplements. The challenge is finding those studies and figuring out whether a supplement is effective for a specific claim. The Supplement Database analyzes studies and gives you the information you need to come to an educated decision about whether or not a...

Supplement Database

What is the purpose of the Supplement Database?

The Problem

Every solution starts with a problem. The problem with today's supplement industry is that many, if not most, products marketed to the masses are not based on actual science. They're based on marketing hype and pushed by those who are too smart to use these substandard products. The Supplement...